Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Egregious Taste

Okay, it's bad enough that people are becoming more rude by the day (not to mention just plain icky; on my way to the 7-11 today I walked by a young couple. The girl was popping a zit on her boyfriend's chin. On the street, forcryingoutloud.) I can remember back to the days when you actually made pleasant small talk with cashiers, salespeople, etc. Now it's every man for himself and could you keep that cash register down, it's interfering with my BlueTooth.
Now it seems that good taste has taken yet another nosedive. You know, every time I think that the collective American Taste can't get any worse, it manages to find another toilet down which to flush itself (and notice the elegant construction.)
Little girls dressed like hookers. Bratz dolls. Vacuum cleaner cozies that look like floppy-eared rabbits in aprons. Capri pants. Reality TV. It just goes on and on.
The inspiration for today's rant is a little something called "Angels with Attitude." Please look at the picture because you wouldn't believe me if I just told you. (And if you do believe me and/or think they're cute, please do me a favor and beat your head against a wall until you fall over dead. Much obliged.)


3M said...

How can you knock capris when Laura Petri looked so adorable in them????

3M said...

Toreador pants ARE capris:
Capri pants were first designed by Italian fashion designer Emilio Pucci in the 1950s and they became popular in the US during the 1960s, largely due to the influence of the popular television series The Dick Van Dyke Show. The character of Laura, the young housewife played by Mary Tyler Moore, caused a fashion sensation – and some mild controversy – by wearing snug-fitting capri pants during the show's run. After a drop in popularity during the 1970s through the 1990s (though Uma Thurman wore them in Pulp Fiction), capri pants again became a dominant trend during the 2000s.

The pants' name originated from the Italian isle of Capri, where they were first made popular in the late fifties and early sixties.
(from Wikipedia)

And, hey, I wear capris and don't feel like I need the help of any type of *foundation garments*....

librarian666 said...

I must agree with Cranky Sausage king about capri pants. Unless you are 6 feet tall and have great, long, thin legs, avoid capris like the plague. They have an unpleasant, gnomish effect on most wearers, not that that little fact will stop me.

As for popping other people's zits, I think that is a sign of caring, sort of like chimpanzees eating each other's lice. How cute!