Thursday, August 2, 2007

Too Delicious!

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather.

I found out today that around the system, a few people have discovered my little chunk o' the Blogosphere and dubbed it a "Must Read", couldyoudie? You know what that means, don't you? Two words:

Cult. Following.

Who'da thunk it? Forced to participate and used only for my own personal rants, I never imagined anyone would actually read this. Now it turns out I'm kind of like Ed Wood.

Or peyote.

Read on, people! Your king is pleased.


hazelnut said...

"By the mystic regulation of our dark association, ere you enter conversation with another kindred soul, you must eat a sausage roll."

It just seemed to me that you needed another quotation.

Barbara said...

Hey Bob, Looove your blog. I heard it was a must read.