Monday, August 27, 2007

Things 21 and 22!

Woohoo! Coming down to the wire on this little project.

Okay, #21: Podcasts. Yeah, they're pretty cool, 'specially because I'm a fan of radio programs, which they're kind of like. (Whoa! Did you pick up the crappy syntax in that sentence?) Unfortunately, I didn't find anything I liked--one site had just too many choices and the descriptions weren't very lucid; the other site had some stuff with potential but I couldn't get any of them to actually run. Frustrated, I decided to forgo checking Yahoo Podcasts.
I am glad to report that I discovered by my ownself--without aid of this 23 Things project--that "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me!" is available as a podcast (
For those of you who are as slow on the uptake as I, this is like the only thing worth listening to on broadcast radio. It's funny as you-know-what.
Number 22: Downloadable audio books. Hmmm. Well, to be honest, downloadable audios and I have a long history that left a bad taste in my mouth (along with a lot of other people, I might add.) Overdrive did have two books I'd be willing to listen to (though one is a craft/cookbook, and I'm wondering how that translates to audio. But I digress.) Neither book was actually available so.... I think I'll continue taking my books in paper form, thank you.

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